30th April 2023 - YgH, Novice, Open AV Spaniel Test
Today Dove Valley Working Gundog Club held their AV Novice Spaniel, Young Handler and AV Open at Cubley by kind permission of the Right Honourable Mr David Legh, gratefully organised by Shane Wood.
The day started with a promising dry outlook but was soon followed by intermittent showers!
We would like to thank all of the helpers of the day, without you we couldn’t continue provide these events and opportunities for handlers and their dogs; coming together and working as a team is what this club is all about, so thank you

The day was superbly organised by our very own Janey Beharrell and having never seen or organised a spaniel working test before, I think we can all agree she did brilliantly and definitely earned a feather in her cap!
Thank you to the judges, Neale Satchwell and Mark Ball for giving up your day. Encouraging words and helpful comments for all, with a fair and sporting test in cover and open ground proving challenging for some!
Many thanks to our Sponsors - Sporting Saint, Gundog Training Equipment, Twicebrewed Twines and Skinner's, for their generous donation of prizes.
Another superb collection of £164.00 was collected through our raffle for The Game Keeper Welfare Trust.
The results were as follows:



Thank you all once again!